Promoting British Values and Preventing Extremism

In addition to our commitment to providing a broad and balanced curriculum that develops students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding, Leventhorpe takes the promotion of fundamental British values and the prevention of extremism as fundamental to its mission.

We define extremism as it is set out in the 2011 Prevent strategy as:

Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas.

Tolerance and Respect for Diversity

Our school motto of excellence, commitment and respect embodies our mission where “respect” is defined as “caring about each other and appreciating our individual skills and needs.”

Our school is fully inclusive in its ethos and reflects the cultural diversity of our community, where every broad ethnic group is represented.  Our students are quick to expose and reject prejudiced attitudes and are confident to approach form teachers, subject teachers and house heads if they see intolerance.

Through our curriculum design, especially PSHCE and RS, we provide ample opportunities for students to reflect on religious and cultural diversity and to respect difference.

Democratic Values

Leventhorpe promotes democratic values in its structures. The school’s management structure is democratic with key improvement themes driven by staff working parties.  In the same manner, student leadership functions democratically, with councils that reflect the structures of British parliamentary democracy.  We also set great store in gathering views on key issues through large scale questionnaire activities for students, parents and staff and act upon the feedback received.

We give regular assemblies that discuss the reality of extremism and give students space to discuss these issues in our lessons.

Safeguarding and Reporting Concerns

Our risk assessment of the dangers of religious extremism and far-right extremism is relatively low, but we are vigilant in our safeguarding.

Internet access in the school is carefully filtered to exclude inappropriate extremist content. We train staff to be observant towards the signs of radicalisation amongst students. We also meet with students to explore their experience of extremism in their communities and online social networks so that our assessment of risk is constantly under review.

Students in Years 10 and 11 have lessons exploring the risks associated with extremism as part of their core personal, social, health and emotional (PSHE) lessons. They learn about the factors that can lead individuals to be radicalised and the impact that extremist views and acts can have.

Staff, students or parents who have any concerns about individuals at risk are invited to contact: 

  • Mr Francis, Assistant Head – Designated Senior Lead
  • Ms Price, Deputy Head – Deputy Designated Senior Person

Alternatively, you can contact The Department for Education Dedicated Prevent Helpline:

020 7340 7264 or